Our policies and procedures provide detailed information covering aspects of School’s Out operations and form an inherent part of our Terms and Conditions with parents, staff and any interested or governing agency. We recognise that it is not easy to digest all of this information in one sitting so please browse the summary document below and refer to those policies of specific interest to you.
We endeavour to reflect current practice in our policies by reviewing them annually. We honestly welcome the opportunity to discuss our practices at any time and the outcome of those discussions will further influence policy developments.
Medicines or ointments can only be administered at School’s Out with the agreement of the Setting Manger. The Manger will determine whether it would be detrimental to a child’s health not to do so and to ensure that written consent is provided by the child’s parent or carer.
If you child requires an asthma inhaler please complete the following form and provide with a separate inhaler and spacer device to the Setting Manager
If your child requires an epipen, please provide a copy of the child’s healthcare plan and 2 epipens to the Setting Manager
Specialist Training: As a minimum requirement Staff will be expected to receive the same training as the parent/carer PRIOR to a child attending the setting.